Recursion reduction — A science experiment.

One thing I’ve done since around Christmas 2016 is when a see a collection of coincidences I’ll snap a photo of it hoping to break it up in the idea of the double-slit experiment. Observing with evidence may change the outcome.

December 4th I saw a collection of them on the interstate. Lots of my coincidences involve vehicles, I’m not sure why. It was a brown boxy car like an older Buick or Oldsmobile. It has North Carolina plates and a Jesus fish.

The Camera on my phone failed. It flickered on and died, then the screen wouldn’t come back on until I noticed the car was out of view. So I recorded this memo in lieu of the picture.

Caution: This is still an experiment, listening may cause thoughts and prayers.

Coincidences may seem irrelevant to the reader, but I’m doing evidence based theoretical physics here. If I’m wrong, maybe my Trump Domain stuff will take off and I can help the world in that way. This will eventually be published into a book and is has kept The Dictator occupied while waiting for a US Citizen to ask for help spreading their own form of free speech.

Time and date Offset

I neglected to mention one thing that happened at the start of the coincidence involving Ginger and Alan. That is when I got into my car the time and date turned off as described in Some Observations.

The above is not the screenshot of the actual time it happened last Saturday, [That happened at 6:35 PM] this is a screenshot of when it’s happened in the past and I caught the error message it gives. I forget what the coincidence was there, though it is peculiar I took it while listening to Heaven’s Gate. A great podcast BTW.

Renewing domains

We’re coming up on the one year anniversary of my Trump Domain project, free speech to half. Only one domain given away,, and he was Canadian. No Americans have come forward. The Canadian hasn’t really made use of the domain, but at least he had a real life discussion with me and I feel like he’ll eventually make use of it. Life gets busy.

Looking back some of my domains aren’t as good as they could have been, but this far into the project I’m not changing up what I have, so all of them are getting renewed regardless of future value.