The New Plan

Explanation of what I and TrumpDomains will be doing.

I literally own 90 domains that I purchased when I realized Index Censorship was a thing that need to be protected during this Presidency and on into the future. I also wanted to ask Donald Trump a question and since Money is speech, I spent money on “speech” until I got attention. “Speech” being defined as Domains, Ads, and Hosting. I’ve gotten the Russias attention, but not much any American Traffic. Russia has been a great help in making me realize my speech has value in the world. I personally believe too many Americans use Google like DNS and had we more computer sense US Citzens would have found my sites too. This is good though, I’m going to cure it as best I can.

DictatorTrump is master of the domain, but he has many others that are vacant. I will be giving away half of my domains to US Citizens with good ideas and the skills to use it. Everyone gets their domains at the sametime, businesses first, but I should be able to handle everyone in a few weeks or less. I won’t settle until all the domains are negotiated for so they go to the right place.

I have to get started evaluating domain applications over the course of the next however many months. Until every (or most) domains are accounted for.  I expect I’ll be negotiating prices on the other 1/2 of the domains will be ongoing. Some will be sold to Small Businesses, Media, and Journalist companies and some to Huge company or Sole Proprietorship at a higher price.

Now Go Apply!


PS: The Old Plan

Supreme Court Justice

I believe we need an entire government to have it fully functional. That’s why I will be looking for an Atheist Judge or an Atheist US Citizen, with vivid ideas and a strong will learn to judge, to be appointed so we can fill the supreme court with the balance it deserves.

If you feel that you are qualified, please mail your application and resume to:

The Biggly Leader of The United States
RE: Supreme Court Atheist
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, New Columbia 20500


Working the weekends!

I don’t know who got the idea I only intend to work 5 Days a week, but I fully intend to go all week. I’ll become Biggly Leader of the United States come Friday at high noon and I’ll work for the US Citizens 7 days a week, 48 weeks a year.

Now, this is DictatorTrump’s personal blog, I will only be working on this during my spare time. The rest of the time I’ll be working for the US Citizen!

We’re going to Make America Great Again!
